
This is F**kin Crazy

I took the photograph of this couple (strangers to me) at Burning Man on Friday September 4th.

Nine days later I made the portrait of this young man (who had been juggling knives) at the Saturday Market in Portland, OR. Yesterday, while looking through my pictures I realized that the guy in Portland might be the same guy from Burning Man. I did a side by side comparison and sure enough it was the same guy. I photographed the same person 500 miles apart and did not know it. I do remember a feeling of familiarity when I met him in Portland but never connected that feeling to actually involving me and my camera.

Circumstances like this are really precious.

Nebraska State Fair

August 29, 2009


Charles Lane Press at The NY Art Book Fair

Come see us at our booth next weekend at P.S.1!


Charles Lane Press Summer Raffle Winner

Congratulations to Rob Wyatt who is the winner of a 16" x 20" B & W Silver Gelatin Print!

Javie and Omar 2004


Back Home

I returned home to New York yesterday after over 3 1/2 weeks on the road. Seth & I drove from New York to the Oregon coast and back. 7990 miles to be exact! A big milestone was that our car (the Prius) rolled over 100,000 miles.
I made a lot of new work and created an exciting new project in the process. I also shot some large format portraits at Burning Man which I am looking forward to sharing. Below is an image from Burning Man which I think captures some of the magic...


Cross Continent

One of the greatest things about driving across country is witnessing the climatic and geologic changes from one part of the country to another. Driving from east to west you encounter; deciduous forests, prarie, plains, mountains, high desert, and desert. The amount of precipitation that falls in the east and does not in the west is reflected in the changing colors and flora of the passing landscape. The cross country trip bears witness to these shifts in the landscape and reveal so much about each regions history and the history of American westward expansion. I think there is lots to be learned just looking out the car window...





