
Letter from a Fall River Boy

I just found out about your book from my roommate. I just want to let you know that the book looks amazing. Me myself a 19 year old born and raised in the riv could totally relate to the photos, shit I grew up with a lot of those kids. I could name a bunch of them, a couple I am actually good friends with. Those photos bring me back to the days, a couple years ago walking in the rain to work after school. Ice cold, totally gives outsiders a view of life in Fall River.

About me
My name is Ellis Rua and I am 19 years old. I grew up in Fall River then quickly after graduating from Durfee I moved out to NYC on my own, in a pursuit to better my life. As you can tell Fall River doesn’t have much to offer a teenager in search of something more. I would love to volunteer sometime in helping you guys release this book. I understand there is a lecture this Monday coming up. Let me know if I could be of any assistance.

Take care
