Game of Thrones
I don't think I have ever been as into a television series as I'm into Game of Thrones. If you don't know, Game of Thrones is a series of novels by fantasy writer George R. R. Martin and has been brought to the screen by HBO - one of the few television channels producing consistently quality content. I have been talking it up with all of my friends and family. The characters are extremely rich and complex, the casting, acting, set and costume design, score, and special effects are all award-worthy. Though I have not yet read the books I would argue that the storyline and characters are far more nuanced and morally gray than Tolkien's simplified world of good versus evil. I have read a couple of critical reviews of the show in The New Yorker and New York Times, both written by female critics. In the two reviews the writers were uncomfortable with the sexuality and nudity on display in Game of Thrones and were approaching the show from feminist points of view. I don't see it that way at all. I think many, if not most of the strongest characters on the show are written for and played by females. Additionally, there is an equal amount of male nudity and male/gay male sexuality on display, even featuring full frontal male nudity. These of course are but small pleasures that are the benefit of being a fan of the show. The greatest pleasure in Game of Thrones is derived from our love and concern for the characters. The second season just came to an end and now we must wait until next spring for a new season. Watch it!