I recently emailed an introduction and a link to some of my recent work to the NY Times Lens Blog. I received this rejection email in a very large and bold font - "Thanks much for considering the Lens blog, but we currently don't have space for such projects. Your ability is apparent, though, and I would suggest you continue to send your projects to us -- but if I may make a suggestion: refraining from shots where the subject is looking at the camera will increase your chances of us wanting to do something with your work." I thought it was so funny that I had to post it here. Beware photographers that look into their subjects eyes!

Looks like someone at the Times was listening. Thanks for the shout out
Lens Blog. I have also recently received a personal apology from the the editor who explained to me that it was a clerk answering emails that wrote that email (which is as I figured but nevertheless it is very nice to have been apologized to.)