Sushi and Moonies
On my recent trip to Alaska we frequented a pretty decent sushi restaurant in Kodiak City a couple of times. It being one of the only good restaurants in town we were talking with a guy I had just photographed about possibly going back there again when he mentioned that he never went there because they were owned by the Moonies and that they were a cult. This kind of depressed me as I am not a big fan of the moonies myself so decided to eat somewhere else instead. In poking around on google about the moonies I discovered that they have a serious connection to the entire sushi restaurant business in the United States. If you are a fan of sushi you have probably eaten sushi distributed by True World. In my research I discovered there was indeed a Kodiak connection as True World owns and operates a fish procesing plant on Kodiak island. You can read a story about it in the Chicago Tribune here and a wikipedia entry about Sun Myung Moon's Unification church here. I'm not sure what I am going to do about my sushi eating habits and I am sorry to spoil it for anybody but I thought it would be interesting information to post here...